Uchebnik Gp Rk Onlain
Boranbaeva, Z.I. (2017a). Chto ne taks novymi uchebnikamipo russkoi literature dlia kazakhskikh shkol? [What is wrong with the new textbooks on Russian literature for Kazakh schools?]. Available at: www: informburo.kz/stati/chto-ne-tak-s-novymi-uchebnikami-po-russkomu-yazyku-dlya-kazahskih-shkol.html
uchebnik gp rk onlain
Moskvin, G.V., Puriaeva, N.N., Erokhina, E.L. Literatura. 5 klass: uchebnik dlia uchashchikhsia obshcheobrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdenii: v 2 ch. Chast' 2 [Literature. Grade 5: textbook for students of general education institutions: in 2 parts. Part 2]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf, 256 p. 041b061a72