Tora-san Goes North
In the 44th installment of the Tora-san series, Tora-san Confesses (1991), finds Tora (Kiyoshi Atsumi) once again helping out his nephew Mitsuo (Hidetaka Yosioka) with his girlfriend Izumi (Kumiko Goto). First Izumi comes to Tokyo to look for a job and then returns home and fights with her mother over her new beau. Izumi then travels to Tottori and send Mitsuo an ambiguous postcard and races off to her. Meanwhile Tora has run into her by chance and then they end up eating then staying at an old flame of Tora's-Seiko (Hideko Yoshida). It seems that Seiko's husband has died and she's available, but as usual this causes Tora to run away from the situation. Meanwhile, Izumi goes back to home in Nagoya and makes up with her mother.
Tora-san Goes North
In Tora-san Goes to Vienna (1989), we see Tiora (Kiyoshi Atsumi) leave his beloved Japan for the first time. In the 41st installment Tora meets a suicidal office worker, Sakaguchi (Akira Emoto) while traveling in Tohoku (the far north of Japan). Tora takes him under hi sing and helps him cope with his depression. Sakaguchi decides that he wants Tora to accompany him to Vienna, Austria. It seems like an unusual choice, but I suspect it was a place director Yoji Yamada wanted to visit-known for music and art. Tora is something of a philistine when it comes to art and music. But Tora learns to enjoy Vienna by meeting a pretty young tour guide Kumiko (Keiko Takeshita). She decides to go back to Japan with Tora and his friend, but after an airport intervention by her blue-eyed Viennese boyfriend she decides to stay and Tora is jilted again.
In Yoji Yamada's 40th episode in the Tora san series, Tora-san's Salad-Day Memorial (1987) Tora (Kiyoshi Atsumi) finds himself in Komoro, Nagano where he meets a kindly old lady who puts him up for the night. Through this incident we learn that the kindly lady is sick and needs to go to the hospital for treatment by her equally kind doctor Machiko (Yoshiko Mita)-Tora offers to go with her because she wants to die at home. It turns out Machiko has a young daughter, Yuki (Hiroko Mita) attending Waseda in Tokyo. When Tora returns to Tokyo he goes to visit the campus for Mitsuo, his nephew who doesn't really want to go to college. Later when granny is on her death bed she requests to see Tora, so Yuki brings him to Komoro again only to find that she has died. Later Machiko and Tora spend a tender moment but Tora moves on as usual. In the final sequence which mirrors the first, a thin man with a Hitler mustache steals goods from Tora and another peddler friend at a festival in another castle town-Shimbara in Kyushu.
Design in the New Millennium: Advanced Engineering Environments: Phase 2 is the second part of a two-part study of advanced engineering environments. The Phase 1 report, issued in 1999, identified steps the federal government, industry, and academia could take in the near term to enhance the development of AEE technologies and systems with broad application in the U.S. engineering enterprise. Design in the New Millennium focuses on the long-term potential of AEE technologies and systems over the next 15 years. This report calls on government, industry, and academia to make major changes to current organizational cultures and practices to achieve a long-term vision that goes far beyond what current capabilities allow.
My goates are fresh and happy and none are missing contary to the poser that poses no logical argumnet based on facts. I count many who agree with the Dirkarino, so goes public opinion. And since we are at it, I'll quote Twain, " I don't argue with idiots, as on lookers will not be able to tell the difference." Patriot yes, idiot no. Run along now. 041b061a72