DS Icem Surf 2017 [BETTER] Free Download
the preoperative planning for oral implantology was accomplished through the software named cappois 32 (computer-assisted preoperative planning for oral implant surgery, institute of biomedical manufacturing and life quality engineering, shanghai jiao tong university, shanghai, china) to determine the optimal positions and orientations of implants. the surface mesh of dentition was generated based on the registration, which means superimposing the three-dimensional laser-scanned model of plaster casts of dentition onto the three-dimensional skull model reconstructed from ct images. the detailed design procedure is shown in fig. 3. firstly, initial control points were indicated by the user and the contour curve was generated and updated dynamically ( fig. 3 ( 1 )). after the target region was determined ( fig. 3 ( 2 )), the initial base template without drilling tubes was generated automatically ( fig. 3 ( 3 )). then, the axes of virtual preoperative planned implants were imported, indicating the positions and orientations of the drilling tubes ( fig. 3 ( 4 )). with related parameters including inner and outer radii and length of tubes input by the user, the final tooth-supported template was generated automatically ( fig. 3 ( 5, 6 )).
DS Icem Surf 2017 Free Download
firstly, the distance field of the inner surface is established with the method of payne and toga 35 . a cuboid region, expanded in each of the x-y-z directions properly from the bounding box of the inner surface, is defined. the minimum distance of each sample point in the cuboid region to the inner surface is calculated with the octree-based spatial search method. subsequently, the distance field is contoured to generate isosurface with specified value of thickness of the template. then, the method of marching cubes is utilized. each time eight points of a volume are processed by comparing their scalar value with the specified contour value. then, through linear interpolating, the vertices of new polygons are obtained. the individual polygons passing through the cubes are finally fused into the isosurface. figure 13 shows an example of the surface offset result.